Archives for: November, 2009

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8 Social Media Predictions for 2010

1. Boring business names.
“twitter merges with plurk to form plitter, which is purchased by facebook (which breaks it) and renamed plitterface, at which point google creates an Open Source API app that adds digg to your plitterface, creating piglitterface.” – Overheard in Second Life

This may seem trivial, but company names and product names will start to get more serious and traditional as the more staid elements of the economy (government, financial sector, etc) look for social media partners/providers. Also, hopefully the term “social media” and its variants will go away.

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The Future of Web 2.0 and Social Media

Recently I was asked, among other leaders in the Social Media space about my predictions for 2010 in Social Media for a piece on ZDNet. I took to the task with a spin on Government 2.0 and Enterprise 2.0 as my personal loves within the use of Social Media.

Now, having more time to think about predictions in Social Media and Web 2.0 I have a few additional ideas on what the future might bring in the next year. I also asked some of our Navstar employees to give me their predictions, in which they will be posting throughout the remaining weeks left in this year. I have expanded on a few ideas myself to get things started.

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What is Enterprise 2.0

Enterprise 2.0 is the concept of working smarter, not harder in a more transparent work environment, independent of location, computer, or one person doing a specific job. It is a methodology of doing better business and it is one of our Core Competencies at Navstar.  Navstar has the leading experts in the Washington DC Metropolitan Area as a part of their Enterprise 2.0 team since the beginning. Specifically, we have excelled in Enterprise 2.0 for Government, a part of the Government 2.0 buzz of changing Government to be more open and transparent.

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